Performance Max campaigns - Google’s new campaigns to enhance your marketing strategy

23 Jul, 2024

1 min

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If you are already using Google Ads campaigns to boost your business, you might be interested in Performance Max campaigns. 

These new campaigns -considered the latest iteration to Google's smart campaigns- were first introduced at the Google Marketing Lives event on the 27th of May.

We will discover together the fundamentals of Performance Max campaigns. If you missed the conference, you can replay Google Marketing Live Stream on youtube. 

What are Performance
Max campaigns?

In June 2021, Google announced the launch of its brand-new Performance Max campaigns. Included in Google’s project of full automation, these campaigns are automated to provide the user with a better experience. Google’s intentions are clear: maximizing your performance thanks to machine learning. It uses machine learning algorithms that will be able to make autonomous decisions. It will help you save both your time and increase your productivity, a much appreciated double-win. 

Performance Max campaigns are at their beta stage. You can test them now for your business. All you need to do is fill in the form Beta Interest Form - Performance Max Campaigns

What are the main benefits?

Performance Max campaigns provide four exciting benefits for your business.

1. Better performance thanks to machine learning

  • Find the right consumer (who is ready to purchase) at the right time (when he wants to buy) and at the right place (where he wants to purchase: whether it is offline or online, from his computer or mobile device…) thanks to Google’s machine learning

  • More automation means more time to build up your marketing strategy

    2. More customers

  • Maximize conversions while customizing your goals

  • Find new segments of customers thanks to machine learning

  • Engage customers across all Google’s channels: Youtube, Display, Search, Discover, Gmail and Maps, thanks to campaign management on a single platform: Google Ads.

    3. Richer insights for your reporting

  • Use the new insights Google Ads provides to understand your customers better

  • Optimize your campaigns while selecting  your products that attract more customers to push them and drive more ROI

For which purposes
should you use them

Performance Max can help you in so many ways. Whether you want to drive performance according to specific metrics or optimize your channel’s performance using machine learning, you can start a new campaign. That being said, Google suggests you should use them if you want to:

  • Drive a campaign whose objective is to generate new leads
  • Maximize your campaign’s performance on more than one channel, your ads are included on
  • Save time to increase the conversion rate of your campaign using machine learning
  • Access all of your channels of advertising through a single campaign.

What results can you expect?

Some companies have already tested Performance Max campaigns. We regrouped the results that brands highlighted:  

  • Regrouping your channel’s advertising strategies on the same campaign is creating a lot of additional value

  • It provides more performance and higher efficiency for the brands who have tested it already

  • Most companies claimed that it had significantly decreased their management time thanks to the automation of their campaigns  

Need some advice about these campaigns? 


By Emma Jeanpierre

01 Sep, 2021