Why did Better & Stronger launch a Conversion Hub?

01 Oct, 2024

1 min

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After her first interview on Facebook Pixels, Dariane Bergeron, SEA consultant at Better & Stronger, is coming back to give us all the details about her big challenge: launching with Virginie Dreyfus, a Conversion Hub at Better & Stronger. 

She has been working hand in hand with Virginie Dreyfus, Head of Conversion at Better&Stronger, to make this day happen… and here it is. Better & Stronger Conversion Hub is finally launched. 

Dariane Bergeron and Virginie Dreyfus both come from the world of performance and understood early the necessity to improve their clients’ websites to maximize their results. Thus, this Conversion Hub is the logical consequence of their will to help their clients to get the most out of their online presence. 

Today, she will answer all our questions about the origin of this Conversion Hub: why creating the Conversion Hub? What does it consist of? How will it help Better&Stronger’s clients? Let’s find out all this and even more in her interview.


B&S - Better & Stronger has officially launched its Conversion Hub at the beginning of the year. Could you explain what pushed you to get involved in such an exciting project along with Virginie? 

Dariane - “Yes sure. I think that my diversified background is one of the main reasons that motivated me to create this Hub along with Virginie. I studied communication and did some internships to reinforce my knowledge in graphic design. Then, when I joined Better & Stronger, I already knew how to create wireframes, websites from start to finish… But I wanted to upskill in SEA and UX/UI. 

I have always been interested in the reflection around the user experience of a website: is the navigation easy? Are the design and functionalities intuitive? 

Developing a Conversion Hub sounded self-evident. This Hub is a kind of reunion of Better&Stronger’s 3 existing Hubs of expertise: performance, data, and storytelling. In fact, the Conversion strategy that we call “conversion rate optimization” is the perfect mix between website performance analysis, copywriting, and UX improvement.”

B&S - How did the idea of setting up this Hub come about? Did it respond to a specific market demand? Did you identify any interesting business opportunities?

Dariane - “ It all started from a basic assessment made by our Performance Hub: we can create great paid campaigns with good click-through rates, but they won’t have a good conversion rate and won’t bring qualified traffic if the website isn’t well-optimized.
After several meetings with our clients, we’ve come to the conclusion that most of them were not informed enough about the necessity to optimize their website. 

We often had to face puzzled clients that were frustrated with their UX (CTAs that don’t convert, slow loading pages…). That’s why we took the opportunity to create this Hub and respond to our clients’ demands. 

We ended up saying that this Conversion Hub was the logical continuation of our work with Virginie, which has always been to optimize our client’s website and results.”

B&S - In France, only a few people are familiar with the terminology of CRO. However, you're convinced that this process cannot be ignored anymore in the digital world and will undoubtedly become a must-have in 2022. Why is CRO so important nowadays?

Dariane - “As an example, by investing 20,000€ in advertising, your ROAS could be 500% with a 1% conversion rate. However, by investing the exact same amount, your ROAS could double and reach 1000% with a 2% conversion rate, and even 1250% with a 2.5% conversion rate. 

What does it mean? We think that you don’t need to invest more to get better results, you just need to allocate a bigger part of your advertising budget on Conversion Rate Optimization. 


Investing in Conversion Rate Optimization is a great way to drive more paid traffic, but also more organic traffic and social media followers. Overall, I’m convinced that CRO would have a positive impact across all your channels, and I think the figures speak for themselves.”

B&S - Why are there so many people who still don't know about CRO? 

Dariane - “I think many people still believe that once a website is finished, they don’t need to make any extra changes and that it's normal to see the conversion rate decreasing slowly over time. This doesn't have to be the case, but unfortunately, most people realize that it is possible to reverse this trend only when the situation is already critical. 

What we try to do at Better & Stronger is rather the opposite. It’s important to test a website continuously as the lack of user behavior analysis, A/B testing, and conversion rate monitoring can have damaging effects on your website performance. Always remember that CRO is the most under-used activity that generates the highest ROI. Investing in Conversion Rate Optimization is a great way to drive more paid traffic, but also more organic traffic and social media followers. Overall, I’m convinced that CRO would have a positive impact across all your channels”

B&S -  Do you have any examples that prove the efficiency of CRO for online businesses? What results can brands expect?

Dariane - ”Google studies show that if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, 40% of your website visitors will not return. By adopting a good CRO strategy, businesses can expect a progressive rise of their conversion rate and a better UX that can lead to a direct increase of their paid traffic.”

B&S - In a previous interview, Virginie explained the details of the offer you set up to help your client grow (one-shot project and long-run project)? Are they relevant for all types of businesses or only for e-commerce?

(Don’t hesitate to take a look at Virginie’s interview if you want more details about our CRO offers.)

Dariane - “Both one-shot and long-run projects are relevant for all types of businesses

Still, I would tend to say that it is easier to see the direct impact of CRO on an e-commerce business since they can monitor the increase of traffic and conversion on one single platform (even if it’s also possible with a solid CRM or with BigQuery). In the long run, I think what’s important is to focus on customers’ overall satisfaction that includes both the UX but also the service or product delivery.”

B&S - What makes your offer unique at Better & Stronger? 

Dariane - “At Better & Stronger, we’re not a CRO agency. We have a performance background, which allows us to give our clients a detailed understanding of their audience so that they can make the necessary adjustments to their website. 

It’s our transversal skills that make the offer so special. 

If you need to understand your business stakes online, learn how to handle CRO tools, or boost the overall performance of your website, you're in the right place.”

B&S - Thank you so much for answering our questions today. You shed light on this Conversion Hub and now, we better understand why Better & Stronger launched it. Please, come back to tell us more about your success with this Hub!

As Jeremy Smith said, “Every aspect of marketing is entirely useless unless it produces conversions”. On this point, I think we can all agree. Launching Youtube, emailing or social media campaigns is completely useless if your website isn’t well optimized. 
Still wondering how our Conversion Hub could boost your conversions and drive more traffic across all your channels? Virginie Dreyfus and Dariane Bergeron will be happy to answer your questions.

By Emma Jeanpierre

24 Jan, 2022