Why is Pinterest an essential communication channel for your business?

23 Jul, 2024

1 min

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According to the Pinterest quarterly release of March 2021, global MAUs grew 30% year over, making this expanding platform a promising network to grow your business’ visibility. Ben Silbermann, co-founder and CEO of Pinterest, likes to call his platform a “catalogue of ideas”. He refuses to name it a “social media platform”. Why so?

Almost two-thirds of Pinterest users think of the platform as a place to find ideas and products they trust, which accounts for more than twice as many as people say about social media. It becomes the place-to-be for your business at the time of inspiring “Pinners” (users of Pinterest) and influencing their buyer’s journey. If you have never thought about using this channel, you may need to start considering it today. This platform offers so many advantages that you may ignore… and we intend to give them up to you.

Why should you care about Pinterest and how could it help you drag customers from the stage of attention to action? If you want to know, keep reading.

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is nothing like Facebook or Twitter. It is more a discovery catalogue than a traditional social media. What does it look like? When you open Pinterest on your cell phone, tablet or computer, the first thing you see is your home feed, composed of people and businesses’ pins. Those pins are selected by the algorithm and supposed to fit your preferences. 

With more than 200 billion pins, Pinterest offers a large range of inspirational designs, product images and ideas. Everyone can find thousands of pins tailored to their mood and desire, save them in his “boards” (Pinterest files) or access the website of origin of the pins. 

Pins, pins, pins… What is it? Here is a pin:

                   pin-pinterest       pin-pinterest-1

It is nothing more than an image, video, photomontage or visual creation linked with its website of origin. It means that if you choose to use Pinterest for promotional purposes, people can directly go from a Pin to your website’s catalogue.

As you can see, Pinterest is very interesting for businesses as they can indicate the price and product information to inform customers, but we will tell you everything about it later...If you have not posted on Pinterest yet? Learn how to create a post here.

Key figures

Pinterest is a true goldmine. With a growing community of 450 MAU around the world, number of monthly researches on this channel, among which 90% of them use this network to drive their buying decisions, Pinterest has become, in a bit of time, an influential platform for your business marketing strategy. 

What about the audience? Women make 60% of the audience. Also note that numerous Pinners are part of Generation Z, and their engagement on the network has increased a lot lately (+40% between 2019 and 2020).

Pinterest users are eager to search, discover and get inspired by both unbranded and branded content. 80% of them have discovered a new brand or product thanks to Pinterest. Why not yours?

Which benefits of using
Pinterest for your business?

Still wondering why you should open a Pinterest account for your business? Here is the thing: Pinterest is not just a growing network that attracts more and more users. It is also a business-friendly channel of communication. 

According to the Harvard Business Review, 21% of users bought an item after pinning it on their boards. And this is not a figure to throw overboard. It means that providing rich and appealing content could help you convert. Pinterest is such a strategic business spot.

One of the things we’re trying to figure out strategically is how to tap into consumers earlier in the inspiration or planning phase.

David Doctorow - Senior Vice President of Global Marketing, Expedia 

And to inspire consumers’ buying decisions, here is what you should know: 

  • Pinterest can help you increase your brand awareness
  • You can boost qualified traffic to your website
  • It enables you to generate more leads and sales

Let’s dig into each benefit.

INcrease brand awareness

Start by creating a business account. It will give you access to a lot of functionalities such as the ad manager, access to analytics and business insights

Then, it is time to increase your brand awareness: create a Pin just as you would design a post for your social media. 

To be impactful on Pinterest, follow the trends! On Pinterest Trend, you can follow what people are looking for and what content is offered by other businesses. The more people save your Pins, the more likely your business content will be displayed on their home feed. 

Boost qualified traffic to your website

Adding your website link in the description so that people can go directly to your catalogue is a good thing… But what if you could go a step further? 

Pinterest offers you a guide to create rich Pins, which are optimized posts that should help you convert your followers into leads. Best practices to boost qualified traffic to your website include: 

  • Display your most up-to-date product price. Add all needed purchase information.
  • Make sure that the products are still available on your website

  • Don’t neglect the product’s description as it can be decisive when leaving Pinterest for your website.

Generate more leads & sales

Thanks to Pinterest, the gap between the stage of attention and the stage of action is tightening. After discovering many Pins, the step that separates them from the purchase is tiny since the website catalogue is within easy reach. 

In a nutshell, Pinterest is the place-to-be for businesses as this network helps you increase your brand awareness and generate sales at the same time. 

Pinterest: a powerful tool
to influence your audience behavior

Pinterest is a powerful marketing tool that your business marketing team should start considering. Making good use of this network will help you:

  • Inspire an audience that becomes wider and wider: grow your follower’s community!
  • Reach more leads and increase your sales
  • Generate qualified traffic to your website

Thanks to your business account, you have access to powerful advertising tools. So what are you waiting for? Our dedicated team will be pleased to help you to take the plunge with Pinterest.


By Emma Jeanpierre

25 Jan, 2022