My internship at Better & Stronger as a Web Copywriter - Brand content

23 Jul, 2024

1 min

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Emma comes back on her internship as a Web Copywriter at Better & Stronger.
Student at EMLyon Business School, she joined the agency in June 2021 for 6 months with too many interesting things to do in such a short period of time. 

Feel free to discover our Job applications on Welcome to the Jungle and come to take a coffee with us to talk about your motivations.

Why did you choose
Better & Stronger? 

#1 Goal - Starting my professional life differently

While most of my schoolmates dreamt about joining a big corporation or renowned bank, no matter if it was to warm the bench or serve coffee all day long; I was looking in the opposite direction. 
Because we all know how a first experience impacts and can modify our way of thinking, I wished I would find an organization that would help me grow smarter. So I rang at Better & Stronger door. 

#2 Goal - Seeking knowledge 

From a traditional background of Business School student (2 years of Preparatory School), I was looking to discover practical tools, work methodology and practices… but I never thought, I would learn about strategy, PM, data processing or how to paddle faster (yes, working at Better & Stronger is having the chance to participate to wonderful team building sessions). 

What missions did you
realiZe during your internship? 

One of the first questions Simon Néouze, our CEO at Better & Stronger, asked me when I arrived was “What do you want to learn?”. It puzzled me. How could I imagine that I was about to do that many things? 

First, I brought my marketing knowledge up to the standard by taking Hubspot certifications (Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing and Hubspot Software Marketing) and participating in internal training on communication, audit but also sales call methodology. I could write a lexicon on the various acronyms my colleagues use on a daily basis: CPC, CPL, CMP, CRO, CRM, CTA... since I know their meaning now. 

Once done, I teamed up with Florentine, Better & Stronger marketing director and my internship supervisor, to build her marketing hub. 

My 6 months of internship were (quite) productive… Thanks to Florentine’s briefs, I’ve written no less than 40 blog posts, 5 case studies, 4 interviews, 3 newsletters, 2 press releases, some social media posts and our new website pages (definitely not a piece of cake). 

What did you learn during
these last 6 months? 

I discovered during my internship how work could become a playground and a real creativity incubator. Working at Better & Stronger goes with working in top conditions (interns or not) that allows you to fully blossom.
More than practical skills like mastering Hubspot blog post integration or understanding how to add layers to a hero image on Photoshop, I’ve learnt about business ethic and vision while the team was revamping the website; a lesson that would never be taught at school. 

What about your integration
in the team? 

At Better & Stronger, I’ve never felt left out because I was an intern. I was always included in whole team meetings. I participated in my first team building session the week I joined the agency. We canoed and had lunch all together, which allowed me to discover everyone so fast! 

Better&Stronger's team during a teambuilding - June 2021

I received a warm welcome that helped me feel good, from the first day I came in. They’ve always made themselves available for my questions to help me progress quicker. 

What did you most enjoy?

The people! I enjoyed working with Florentine on a day-to-day basis. She taught me many things about Inbound marketing, SEO and communication. I couldn’t have wished for a better internship supervisor.

I’ve worked with people that are passionate about their job and eager to share their experiences with others. 

What’s next? 

I certainly grew up during this 6-month internship and emerged better and stronger (I hope). I must admit they will make it hard for me to find an agency for my next internship that cares as much as they do about their workers’ well-being and self-development.

Thank you for this wonderful work experience that I couldn’t have imagined to be better (& stronger). 

By Emma Jeanpierre

23 Nov, 2021