3 reasons to externalize your social media strategy

23 Jul, 2024

1 min

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When you started building your house, you chose to go it alone. See where it takes you… The ceiling’s crumbling in your kids’ bowl of cereal, and your bathroom turns into an aquarium every time you decide to take a bath. What a life! 
Don’t you think you should have prevented most of these bad experiences by calling professionals instead of watching Youtube tutorials all night long? 

Today, we’ll tackle the topic of social media externalization, and more precisely, the content creation part. We know your ideas are worthwhile but let’s give them the best chances to be seen in their best light by your audience. What if externalizing could help you improve your social media performance? Because you’ll save time, gain from professional experiences and benefit from their special support to boost your social media’s accounts. Let’s discover the 3 reasons why you should externalize your social media content creation.

Why should you outsource
your social media strategy?

That’s the big question. 
Depending on the size of your company and your marketing team, you may not have enough bandwidth to create the necessary content to run your social media’s accounts. But, that’s not it! What if you had the resources but not the expertise?
Is paying hundreds of content creators the most fitting solution when you could pay 5 experts to rock your social media? We doubt it. 

Let’s discover why. 

#1 - Get some expert help and gain outside perspective

Creating social media content is not that easy. You don’t start writing a stream of consciousness. If you think so, maybe, you need to turn to social media experts. In fact, to build a strong social media strategy that will attract more viewers each month, you need to: 

  • Target your audience to create content that suits their expectations
  • Understand your objectives clearly and define the corresponding KPIs to track your progress
  • Build a lasting relationship with your audience to establish your e-reputation
  • Develop your corporate identity and style guide so that your followers can get who you are.

At this stage, experts can help you find your path.
Do you know your social media good practices? How to make your posts striking thanks to copywriting? Where to communicate? Meet our experts, and let’s discuss it together!  


#2 - Benefit from platform-specific knowledge and content creation tools

Did you know that you should adapt your content to each platform? Social media specialists will help you: 

  • Design your content and adapt it to each platform
  • Rank higher in social media platform algorithms 
  • Increase your engagement rate through all your social media
  • Find the good practices related to editing and publishing 

According to Buffer, 6 of 10 marketers said social media is critical to their overall marketing strategy. Don’t let your social media strategy be in the hands of just anyone. If you think of outsourcing your social media strategy, make sure to find experts whose knowledge is updated to the latest trends and that understand your tone.


#3 - Use consistent and well-timed social media activity

While calling on some social media experts, you ensure regularity in your feeds. Does it mean that they will post twice as much as you used to? No! That’s a common mistake. One of the reasons people unfollow a brand isn't because they didn’t post enough… But because they post too much and flood their followers’ feeds.

According to GoodFirm, 41.5% of the time, when a brand gets unfollowed, it’s because they posted too much. It may be interesting to listen to specialist advice to find the perfect balance between posting too much and not frequently enough. 

How to outsource your
social media strategy?

Now that you know why you should outsource your social media strategy, it’s time to tell you how to. Two main options are presented to you. 

Turn to freelance or a social media agency?

In a previous blog post, we talked about how to define your social media budget? We advise you to read it before going into further detail about whether you should call on a freelance or a dedicated social media agency

You will favor a freelance over a social media agency if:

  • You want quick response time on your platform
  • You can’t afford social media agency’s services
  • You need specific tasks to be delivered and not a whole strategy

You will favor a social media agency over a freelance if:

  • You want to build a lasting social media strategy 
  • You want a full team to create, edit, post, publish and communicate with your audience
  • You prefer to centralized all your social media efforts in one single structure

It’s barely impossible to give a price range for both services as depending on the agency’s reputation or the tasks you outsource, the price can double or triple. Don’t hesitate to ask for a quote and compare the costs to find the solution that most suits your needs. 

Find the experts that will
skyrocket your social media strategy 

Outsourcing your social media strategy will positively impact the productivity and quality of the content you will display, and in your free time, you can reallocate to your overall marketing strategyYou don’t know what tasks of your social media content creation you should outsource? Let’s deep dive into your social media strategy and see what’s best for your business. 


By Emma Jeanpierre

09 Feb, 2022