The end of cookies? Google gives third-party data 2 more years!

23 Jul, 2024

1 min

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No. We won’t debate the number of eggs needed to bake 10 perfect cookies… Our cookies are not edible but resilient.

You thought you had gotten rid of third-party cookies this year, but Google just changed your plan? In early August, Google announced that they will postpone the end of cookies to the end of 2024. Let’s discuss together what it changes for your company (disclaimer: it won’t change a lot of things).


The reason for the postpone 

Declared in 2020, the end of third-party cookies on the biggest browser, Google, has been delayed (for the second time).  On Google’s blog, Anthony Chavez, Director of Product Management at Google, claimed that this program change would help developers and companies test and develop alternatives to cookies.

Today, almost 50% of advertisers use third-party data and guess what? Most of Google’s business is still based on cookies.

If Google has already tried unfinished and non-viable solutions like FLoC, Consent Mode or Enhanced Conversions, the latest substitute for third-party cookies, the Privacy Sandbox, isn’t set. Tests still need to be run. 

Delaying the end of cookies to help advertisers or because Google is not ready yet? In both cases, the consequences for your company are the same.

reasons to postpone


What (doesn’t) change for your company

If this timeline change can impact your company’s data tracking strategy, many other browsers (Apple Safari, Mozilla, Microsoft Edge, Firefox) have already gotten rid of cookies. 

Therefore, you should have already started to adapt your trackings to do without cookies.

“Although the end of third-party cookies has been delayed by Google until 2024, advertisers should not stop preparing for the world of advertising without them,” said Jade Arenstein, Global Service Lead of Analytics and Data at Incubata.

what change


Our experts advice

Here is how you should adapt to the situation: 

  • If you have already started implementing first or second party-data tracking, there is nothing to worry about. You are already up to date. 
  • If not, we strongly recommend you take the plunge and collect first- and second-party data. You have two more years to make it.

Gaëtan Demeusy, our Google Ads expert takes the stand: 

“ With the depreciation of 3rd party, big players are already on the starting line of the cookieless world. If Google isn’t ready yet, searching for more viable solutions is not an option. Many actors have already deleted cookies. Don’t do as Google, be ready!”.


The future of the advertising ecosystem will still be cookieless. Don’t wait for Google to embrace new tracking solutions. 

You can, for instance, start collecting your customers’ information both online and offline in compliance with the rules set by the CNIL. Read the article of the Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés to learn more alternatives to third-party data.

By Emma Jeanpierre

08 Aug, 2022