3 reasons to open a Google Ads account to attract more customers

23 Jul, 2024

1 min

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Did you know that 88% of the market share (Statista, June 2021) belong to Google?  Bing and Yahoo! are far behind, controlling only 8% of the market. And that's not it!

According to W3Techs, Google Ads is used by 98.0% of advertising websites. Google is completely dominating online advertising. Still wondering why you should open a Google Ads account?  If you are looking for the following answers: 

  • Why do you need to open an account? 
  • How does Google Ads work? 
  • Are Google Ads campaigns effective? 

You have come to the right place.

How does Google Ads work?

The paid platform works on the pay per click model. What is the PPC model? When users surf on their search engine, the first results that appear are the results that best include the keywords of their query. If your webpage is well referenced, chances are, the user will click on it, and as soon as he does, you are billed up to the CPC. Note that the average cost per click on Google Ads is $2.69.

If you want to be advised on the setting of your CPC bidding strategy you can start by reading the Google page regarding this topic. But, if you need further details, you can contact our team.  

Why should you choose Google Ads
over other advertising platforms?

Google Ads: leader of paid search

Launched as Google AdWords in 2000, Google Ads has become an essential tool for marketing agencies. Other platforms, such as Facebook Ads and Pinterest Ads, also meet the demand of the advertising market but they are not devised to reach the same type of objectives. For example, Facebook ads are tailored to user interests. They will be helpful if you want to see whether your audience approves or not of your products based on the way they express their interest. You will be able to measure your brand’s outreach. 


Google Ads offers advertisers the possibility to enter into direct contact with leads who have shown an interest in their brand via an ad or a search on the web. Google’s advertising platform is such a safe bet to attract a wider audience and get a better targeting strategy than on their competitors’ platform. 

In short: Google Ads is about capturing existing demand to help you bid at the right time

Automated campaigns: a guarantee of
cost-effective campaigns

“Get more value with less effort”. It is Google’s challenge while increasing the significance of automation for its ads. Google Ads uses machine learning to help you reach your audience with the right message at the right timeBy defining your objectives beforehand (increase the number of visits to the site, improve visibility, set up a ROAS campaign...) Google helps you create intelligent bidding strategies. 

When your objectives are set, Google’s machine learning can help you determine the click that will be the most relevant to convert. 

 How does bid setting work?

There is no minimum budget to start a Google Ads campaign. Knowing that there is also no commitment in the duration of your campaign, it allows you to make many tests for your bidding strategies without running your business.  

If you want help to manage your budget, Google has designed a Performance Planner that helps you get a bigger picture of your spendings.

Why is Google Ads cost-effective?

Unlike SEO strategies that take months to pay dividends, GoogleAds promises a quick referencing. But, why so? By displaying an average of 3 paid ads on the SERP, Google competes with the other articles, classified according to their "quality score": a big challenge for advertisers.   

 Google Ads is time-efficient

Thanks to Google's advertising network, it is possible to manage a multi-channel campaign, including :

  • Multimedia content posted on Youtube 
  • E-commerce items posted on Google Shopping
  • Banners and other Display content
  • Etc.

Also, note that to reach the top of the SERP, you only need 24 to 48 hours. Easy to understand and quick to learn, Google Ads offers you the best results in terms of ROI. Without any specific knowledge, you can easily take it over.

Why should you open a
Google Ads Account?

Google is such an essential of paid advertising. It would be an ample missed opportunity to hit your road without Google Ads on your side: 

  • Chances are your customers are searching on Google which means advertising on their path is essential 
  • Your campaigns will show quick results
  • Thanks to smart bidding, stop wasting time manually improving your campaigns for better results

We have detailed for you the necessary steps to open a new account in our article: how to open a Google Ads account in 5 steps? If you still need some help to open a Google Ads account, you can also call upon our dedicated agency, Better & Stronger.



By Emma Jeanpierre

16 Jul, 2021