Pinterest Shopping: the new place to advertise in 2021

23 Jul, 2024

1 min

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“Pinners shop slow, and spend more”. We don’t set the world on fire; Pinterest did. What if we told you that giving your audience some space would drive better results? If other platforms used to overwhelm their users with ads, Pinterest lets them consider their inspirations in peace and quiet which completely changes marketers approach towards their audience.

What about the adage “time is money”? On Pinterest, users are 35% more likely to take a week to make a purchase decision, but they spend 2x more time per month than on other platforms (Dynata for Pinterest, April 2021).

You got it, right? Pinterest is the place to advertise if you want to get a head start on your competitors. It’s not as crowded as other advertising platforms yet. So take the plunge and start off as of now. In September, Pinterest held a Webinar to independent marketing agencies, and guess what? We were in! That’s why we decided to debrief you juicy insights that you can’t ignore... Let’s discover together the machinery of this platform and the reasons for its incredible profitability.

Pinterest: on the road to e-commerce

From now on, Pinterest is an essential channel of communication for businesses. But what if it was more than that? Have you ever thought about advertising on this platform? To start with the big picture, Pinterest is a visual discovery search engine. This platform stands out because it’s nothing like the other social networks. It focuses on: 

  • Inspiring people more than making them buy

  • Extending your network while accentuating other elements than yourself: “it’s about yourself, not your selfie” (Pinterest)

  • Building a brand-friendly interface with no haters or negative comments more than 75% of business content! (Webinar Pinterest Sept 2021)

  • Nurturing the user at each stage of his buying journey.

Why did Pinterest start developing an e-commerce solution? According to a ComScore Survey (commissioned by Pinterest, Feb 2021), only 4 out of 10 people prefer online shopping rather than going to the store. In response, Pinterest accepted the challenge to make online shopping great… or even more than that, their teams planned to make shopping an authentic experience to help prospects overcome the gap between the idea and the action.

Your business pins constitute an appealing shop window for Pinterest users. As for many other networks, you can upload your catalogue to make your shopping window as attractive as possible.

Then, you’ll create collection ads with powerful images and highly customized content.

Why does advertising work well on Pinterest?

Your ads don’t show on everyone’s feed in a more or less rambling logic. In traditional social networks, people can get disturbed by ads showing in the middle of their personal feed

On Pinterest, this will never happen. Your ads will show in a feed full of inspirational pictures, directly related to your prospects’ interests. Where will your ads come out?

    pinterest-feed-1.   pinterest-feed-2

Well, they will either come out on the Explore Page alongside inspirational pictures or on the Shop tab. The Shop tab gives the customer a direct glimpse of the price and redirects him to your e-commerce. To track the profitability of your inspirational ad pins, all you need to do is implement a Pinterest tag on your website to collect insights on your conversions and rock your ROAS: on average, implementing advanced tags help the advertisers increase their ROAS by 35%. We bet you won’t let that chance pass you by!

What’s new in 2021 for advertisers?

So far: Pinterest was already an interesting advertising channel, but now: it’s much more than interesting. By the end of 2020, Pinterest announced the launch of interesting new tools for advertisers to rock their marketing campaigns… and they’re finally all here! Let’s discover how they bring about a major change.

Catalogue enhancements to simplify
your product pins management

The recent modification of the catalogue interface brought about major changes:

  • The extension of Shopify International Partnership program to speed up the uploading of catalogues

  • The introduction of the Multi-Feed option so that you can upload more than one catalogue on your business account.  

Dynamic retargeting to boost your conversion rate

Improve your performance and increase your ads incremental value. Sounds promising, but to what extent could Pinterest be a game-changer? Pinterest will help you reach customers ready to purchase, showing them ads similar to the content they like. Since the last modifications, you are able to: 

    • Exclude some segment of your audience 

    • Create ads for specific types of events

Note the conversion rate of dynamic retargeting campaigns is on average 6x higher than other campaigns (Pinterest, global report for 2020).

Automation solutions to make the most of your budget

Automatic bidding allows Pinterest to optimize your campaign’s results. You fix your budget and Pinterest takes care of the rest. 

Advertisers that try Pinterest automatic bidding on their alpha version noted a 28% increase in their conversions (Pinterest, US report, July 2020). 

You’ll soon be able to split your budget and allocate it between your different shopping campaigns. 

Pinterest conversion insights

Pinterest's new analysis tool is finally available! The Conversion Insights is a new analysis dashboard full of powerful statistics. What’s the impact of your organic and paid campaigns on Pinterest? What are the best contents you launched this month? Where are your customers on their buyer’s journey

Discover it all on the dashboard. This dashboard is supplemented by the Conversion Analysis, a range of tools that help advertisers navigate through their performance KPIs: click rate, engagement rate, view counts. Get certified! Note that as an advertiser, you can apply to the Verified Merchants Program and get your account verified. Why would you do that?

  • You can access an improved version of your shopping interface

  • You can add price and availability to your product pins


Why you shouldn’t miss your chance?

Still hesitating? Pinterest offers numerous advantages for your paid campaigns: 

  • Users that are 4x more likely to consume that on other platforms

  • Average shopping baskets 30% bigger than on other platforms 

  • Customers who spend 30% more than on other platforms 

We can’t give you better advice than taking the plunge! Show your audience a personalized experience and influence your audience at the right time in their buyer’s journey. That’s the magic formula

Pinterest Shopping is not as well known as other platform’s shopping options…  Yet if you decide to advertise on Pinterest, you’ll most certainly overtake your competitors in terms of conversion or CTR results. Start advertising on Pinterest to boost your conversions, retain more customers and multiply your sales opportunities! What do you think of alternative platforms to advertise? Do you prefer traditional advertising networks like Facebook? Let’s talk about that

By Emma Jeanpierre

12 Oct, 2021